Tuesday, September 3, 2013


2.3 Iteration Control Structures

Assignment 2.3.1 Pseudo code - Iterational pattern (1)

Objective: Write pseudo code for iterational pattern problems.

Problem 1 :

The problem given in Assignment 2.1.2 is extended to check whether 
the Number of Hours accepted from the user is less than or equal to 0. If so display an error 

message. Reenter the data the Number of Hours until valid data is entered.

Step 1: Write the following Pseudo code

1. input No_of_Hours, Pay_Rate
2. while(------------) do
3. display "---------------------"
4. -------------------------------------
5. end while
6. Gross_Pay =  No_of_Hours * Pay_Rate
7. display " The gross pay is equal to : ", Gross_Pay
8. end

Step 2 : Fill in the missing (------) parts in the Pseudo code
We need to put a condition in the parenthesis of while ( ) loop, which could test the validity of the data input by the user for the number of hours. We need to keep the loop running displaying a message as long as the condition in the parenthesis remains true. Therefore the complete form the above pseudocode is given as :

1. input No_of_Hours, Pay_Rate
2. while(No_of_Hours < = 0) do
3. display "Invalid Entry, Enter Valid Number of hours. "
4. input No_of_Hours
5. end while
6. Gross_Pay =  No_of_Hours * Pay_Rate
7. display " The gross pay is equal to : ", Gross_Pay
8. end

Problem 2 :
Write a pseudo code to calculate the Loan Balance, where a person borrows an amount A and in return he/she agrees to make N payments per year, each of amount P. While the person is repaying the loan, interest will accumulate at an annual percentage rate of R, and this interest will be compounded N times a year (along with each payment). Therefore, the person must continue paying these installments of amount P until the original amount and any accumulated interest is repaid.

NOTE: The formula to calculate the amount that the person needs to repay after T years is :

Balance amount after T years = 

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